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In September, Summit* were given a very special bellringing experience thanks to Paul Bagshaw and his incredible bellringing team at St. Bartholomew's Church.
Paul gave a fantastic talk and then took them into the bell tower where they each had the opportunity to chime a lowered (safe) bell with a hammer and learn about the bell equipment. Next, they tried playing a sequence with hand bells before having a go at chiming swinging bells (lowered) of different weights. The bells were then raised (which makes them dangerous) and Summit were treated to a demonstration of bell ringing by the experienced team.
David Simmons was able to set up the projector so everyone could watch the bells in action thanks to a camera in the tower. Finally, the young people were able to try ringing the raised bells with the help of the bellringers, who assisted them to ensure their safety.
A massive thank you to Paul and his team! We are sure you have inspired some future bellringers amongst Summit! As Paul said, it is the best exercise of the mind, body & spirit!
* Summit is a church youth group at St. Bartholomew's Church for 12-14 year olds that meets every second Wednesday of the month during term time from 5:45-7pm.
This article has been adapted from Haslemere Parish's Facebook post here.
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Bellringing Demo at St. Bart's
Demonstration by St. Bartholomew's bellringers chimed with their youth group