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To celebrate Haslemere Hospital's 100th birthday, two local residents have written a book about it's history. Rose Parry, who started working at the hospital as a surgical ward sister in 1978 approached Fay Foster, leader of the u3a local history class for help, only to find that Fay had already started writing a book two years earlier having been inspired by an article in the Herald written by a Health Centre GP Dr Alfred Thomas. The two got together to produce the book, the first half written by Rose being a pictorial souvenir and timeline of the hospital from 1923 to 2023. The second half of the book traces the medical history in Haslemere and is the work of Fay, who has lived in the town since 1961. Rose explained that this is an “ongoing story” which will hopefully continue for another 100 years.

Dr Alfred Thomas, who recently passed away, had the then revolutionary idea of having a health centre in town rather relying on home visits.

Get your hands on a copy for just £10 at The Haslemere Bookshop, where all proceeds will go to the League of Friends, or from the Haslemere Museum. The picture, showing Fay Foster and Rose Parry, appeared in the Haslemere Herald.

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Haslemere Hospital's 100th

Haslemere Hospital celebrates its 100th birthday with a book launch

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