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Calling All Green Innovators! 

If you are an organisation and are  working on a green project that helps protect our planet, Haslemere Town Council has announced that applications are now open for their Green Grants.

The current year’s budget for Small Grants is £5,000 and £5,000 for Green Grants. New applications are considered on their merits, bearing in mind the following criteria:

- The amount of the Grants Budget available, maximum award is £1000
- The benefit(s) to the community
- The viability of the project
- The likelihood of attracting funds from other sources
- The financial status of the applicant
- Applications must not be retrospective unless there is a strong health and safety case

If you would like to apply for a Green Grant or find out more click here.

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Calling Green Innovators

Haslemere Town Council has opened applications for its Green Grants

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