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The 140th Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 15th November 2024 at 7.30pm at The Haslemere Hall.
1. Welcome to members
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the last meeting
4. Chairman's report
5. Trustees' report and accounts
6. Election of incoming Chairman and Trustees
7. Election of Independent Examiner
Please follow this link to confirm your attendance so we can issue name badges on the night or, if not attending, to make a proxy vote on the resolutions in items 5,6 and 7.
A copy of the Trustees' Report and Accounts can be viewed here.
A copy of the minutes of the 139th AGM held in 2023 can be viewed here.
The formal proceedings of the meeting will be followed by a panel discussion entitled
"Harnessing food waste to meet food needs in Haslemere."
The panel will explore the joint challenges of reducing food waste and supporting those in need with regular nutritious food here in Haslemere. We are delighted to have joining the panel:
David Rice - joint founder of The Haslemere Food Bank which of course operates from The Haslemere Methodist Church
Dan Slatter, manager of the Surrey & Sussex Branch of Fareshare, the UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors, moving good quality surplus food from across the food industry to nearly 8,500 frontline charities and community groups.
Jennifer Edwards and Michelle Wuisan from Love Haslemere, Hate Waste our local community based organisation which has recently opened a Community Fridge and which operates our local repair shop.
Members are very welcome to bring non member guests.
The talk will be followed by drinks & canapés providing an opportunity for further discussion with the panel. These will be free to members but guests are invited to make a voluntary donation to contribute to the cost, or of course to become members.
Fareshare have recently opened a distribution depot in Guildford where Dan Slatter is based. Dan has kindly offered to host a visit to the depot at 4pm on 4th December for members to learn more about Fareshare, There will be the opportunity to sign up to attend this visit on the night. If there are further available spaces we will reach out to non-attendees who have indicated an interest in the visit on the proxy form linked at the beginning of this notice.
I do hope you will be able to attend the meeting
Other Matters
I have been asked to draw members' attention to a talk being given on Thursday 14th November in the Museum entitled “The Rescued and the Rescuers” in support of the Haslemere & Hindhead RNLI. You can find further details here. There will also be an exhibition at the Museum a from 26th October to 23rd November to mark the 200th anniversary of the RNLI the Haslemere and Hindhead which members are encouraged to visit.
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Haslemere Society AGM
Agenda for The Haslemere Society's 14th Annual General Meeting