Award for Haslemere Beer Festival's founder
Simon Labrow was honoured to be invited to the Surrey Hants Borders CAMRA AGM earlier this year where he was presented the Cyril Preston Pot by chairman Mick Bell for his work promoting real ale and cider in the Haslemere area.
Simon founded Haslemere Beer Festival 18 years ago and launched the Haslemere Ale Trail at last years Haslemere Walking Festival. He said “I accept the cup with pride and thank Mick for nominating me. I dedicate it to the amazing team of volunteers without whom we would not have been able to run the successful Haslemere Beer Festival for all these years. The Beer Festival has evolved over the years to an event which a wide range of people enjoy at the venue Haslemere Hall. In recent years we have expanded the range of drinks for non beer drinkers with the gin, vodka and rum proving very popular, The quality of live music mainly provided by local artists has been exceptional, this year we have four acts on both the Friday & Saturday evenings. We if course still have a brilliant range of high quality beer and cider, this year there will be over 40 to choose from, all from Surrey, Hampshire or Sussex breweries”.
Haslemere Beer Festival is on Friday 6th & Saturday 7th September at Haslemere Hall. Tickets are now available from the Haslemere Hall Box Office. For more information about the event you can visit the website www.haslemerebeerfestval.co.uk
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Beer Festival CAMRA Award