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Two new volunteer roles at the Green Hub Project for Teens

Are you interested in applying for one of the new volunteer roles at Green Hub Project for Teens, where they use social therapeutic horticulture to support teen mental health.

Keeping up a good flow of young people into their powerful and empowering Green Teens programmes is super important. They know what they do makes a MASSIVE difference to stressed and anxious teens.

But getting their message out to busy professionals - local GPs, school welfare leads, mental health professionals and so on - is critical if they are to keep their groups running at full capacity, ensuring we help the maximum number of young people.

Which is why they are looking for a couple of volunteers who would be able to help them keep communicating with this vital group of referrers.

They have a list of referrers whom they regularly email to them - but it's personal one-to-one contact that makes all the difference.  So having people who meet up with key referrers from time to time, would make a massive difference.

It might be that you've worked in schools in the past, or for the NHS - or are a parent who's 'been there, seen it and done it'! Whatever your background, you need to be someone who's keen to make a difference and who can spare 2 - 4 hours a week doing something really valuable.

Apply for volunteering here.

#volunteering #teenmentalhealthsupport #makingadifference

Green Hub Seeks Volunteers



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