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HHH Concerts' Music Outreach In Local Schools with Haslemere's new grand piano

In February 2024, HHH Concerts hosted three lunchtime piano concerts at St. Christopher’s Church, with international prize-winning pianists taking the stage. They were Damir Durmanovic, Gabriele Sutkute and Victor Braojos who are supported by The Keyboard Trust.

These were the first ever public performances of Haslemere’s NEW piano, purchased by Haslemere Parish with the support of Haslemere Festival and HHH Concerts. The piano is a handcrafted Shigeru Kawai concert grand.

Christopher Axworthy, representing Keyboard Trust explained:

“The real star of this piano series was the brand-new Shigeru Kawai piano chosen by the emeritus Keyboard Trust artist Sasha Grynyuk. It will be a valuable asset for all the many music lovers in Haslemere.”

HHH Concerts secured funding for these lunchtime concerts from Community Foundation For Surrey. The funding meant that schoolchildren from Shottermill Junior School, Camelsdale Primary School, Grayswood Primary School and Undershaw Education Trust were able to hear live high-quality music performed by professional pianists.

James Lindsey, Head of Pastoral Care at Undershaw shared:

“Another truly wonderful concert from HHH. It is inspirational to us all to see such beautiful music played so well. The students were transfixed and all said they loved the concert and would love to come again.”

Stephen Dennison, Chairman HHH Concerts said:

“It is a privilege to work with local schools and give them the opportunities to hear world-class music in an intimate setting. Some children said they felt happiness, sadness and joy as they listened. It meant so much to see them nodding their heads in time to the music. These concerts were made possible with the support of Community Foundation For Surrey and we are so grateful for their support.”

New Grand Piano



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