A not-for-profit, community interest company, looking to improve our streets.
Haslemere’s Active Travel Group formed just before the first COVID lockdown when volunteers from multiple organisations realised more could be achieved in the realm of green transport, if we worked together. The lockdown experience made visible the importance of attractive, leafy, accessible outside spaces to hang out in. Like many others in the UK, we rediscovered the pleasure of walking and cycling when the roads weren’t so busy. Once we started looking through, missing sections of pavements and cycle routes all over the area came to light. These were mapped and assessed with Highways engineers who gave strong guidance on process, budgets and looking at safety from different angles.
Research was going to be key to getting traction. We spoke to other community groups and stakeholders; researched traffic and pollution statistics; investigated schemes such as 20mph zones, 45min school street closures and shared space road layouts. We found the British Medical Association had been banging the active travel drum for a while, saying; “the best forms of exercise are those that fit into everyday life” and “daily exercise is a miracle cure”. They recommend just 22 minutes of exercise a day to reduce the risks of dementia, stroke, cancer, diabetes, heart & lung diseases, depression, osteoporosis, falls and high blood pressure by up to 50%. Startling!
We also found Surrey roads carry 60% more traffic than the national average; 46% of the county’s carbon emissions are from transport; and particulate emissions are estimated to account for 5.7% of mortality (2018). The popularity of the areas leafy streets has come with a cost.
Pollution statistics aside, we also found lots to inspire us. An insight that really resonated was the “first and last mile principle”. The idea that if the start and end points of a journey are attractive, people are more likely to walk. How the insight scales is good news for High Streets; where walking, cycling and public realm improvements can increase retail sales by up to 30%. Creating beautiful places to walk, cycle and spend time in, attracts more shops (retail vacancies on average 17% lower) making them more economically viable and vibrant. People who walk to the high street tend to stay for longer and spend up to 40% more than people who drive there.
Looking seriously at the research and ideas out there crystallised our vision - “to make our streets more pleasant, vibrant places to spend time in”.
Now we’re collaborating with national and local organisations, all working to encourage active travel and tackle Climate Change at the knees. Our aims are simple, but incredibly challenging:
Reduce traffic, carbon emissions and pollution in Haslemere and surrounding villages
Expand and beautify the places we want to spend time walking and cycling in
Promote green travel
Encourage residents out to enjoy and socialise on their streets
In our experience of presenting and talking to people, the majority are more than swayed by the evidence. There have been dramatic changes of heart, with Town Council members moving from resistance to 20mph zones to a majority vote to show support in Nov 2022.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
A key area of focus has been getting a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) in place. These enable towns and villages to bid for National level funding against professionally prioritised infrastructure projects. Our volunteers put forward walking zones, cycling routes and infrastructure needs. Thanks to a great deal of hard work from Consultants, Volunteers, Councillors and Waverley Borough staff, the Plan is moving forward. The next phase will be far more exciting as we move to start project applications.
Active Travel Fridays
Movement is critical to mental and physical health; kids arrive at school happier and grown-ups report greater job satisfaction and wellbeing. Heavy traffic buzzing past makes it less pleasant though and lots of villages are asking for 20mph zones to make walking alongside traffic feel better. For myriad reasons, getting cars off roads is a hard sell, but national targets are to move 50% of journeys from motorised to active travel by 2030.
Our strategy locally is to focus efforts on getting a better street experience one day a week. We’re working with schools and retailers on a smorgasbord of initiatives, all aimed at getting a critical mass of traffic off our roads on Fridays. We looking to create a tipping point, where because there are fewer parked cars & car movements, streets are noticeably nicer to be on. Generally considered a joyous day (and the most popular to work from home) what better day to improve mood further by ditching a car journey?
Schools, shoppers and residents will have to stick at it though - it takes 21 days to create a new habit and 90+ days to make them part of your lifestyle! We’d love to hear more ideas for initiatives, so if you have one...
Electric bikes
Put simply, these are the future. They free riders to go wherever they want (no more sticking to local routes) take you uphill with ease and do 1000mpg. People looking to include a little more exercise in their daily routine reap huge health benefits; all of the joy of the big outdoors without the dread of being stuck fatigued, hot and sticky. The British Medical Foundation estimates the health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks on the road by a staggering ratio of 10:1.
If you buy British made, electric bikes are usually repairable for life, making them astronomically economical compared to cars (with associated tax, insurance, repairs, and fuel). With enough cars off the road and more electric bikes on, we could have pollution free, safe roads (and parking is easier too).
We’re working with retailers to educate, promote and introduce the potential of e-bikes to the lovely people of the area. Particularly interesting are ideas to help young people, working locally, trial a bike and make the move. The financial edge might be the margin needed to afford their own home. There are also affordable options for secondary school pupils with a hill to climb and luxurious models for those who need to be able to strap a wicker picnic basket with champagne flutes on the back. Whatever your interest, we’re likely to have useful information, so do get in touch.
Help Needed
We’re action orientated, welcome different opinions and are happiest challenging what the future could look like. The group welcomes all (even petrol heads) so get in touch if you want to be involved, have a question, or would like to be added to the mailing list for updates. Our streets are everybody’s business.
Active Travel Haslemere
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