Patient Transport Charity for the Haslemere area
Care in Haslemere (CARE) is a Good Neighbour Scheme. It provides transport for people in need to get to hospital and medical appointments. CARE is fully funded by donations from clients, gifts and legacies. These funds cover both the administrative costs of running the scheme along with the mileage allowances paid to volunteers. CARE provides lifts for people who are unable to use, or have difficulty using, public transport. It is a service open to those living in Haslemere and the surrounding villages. CARE mainly takes people to clinics such as doctors and dentists surgeries, opticians and hospital departments locally. However, lifts can also be provided to Guildford and sometimes even further afield, including London. CARE duty officers operate from an office within the Haslemere Methodist Church on Lion Green. Care in Haslemere take requests from clients by phone. If you live in Haslemere, Fernhurst, Grayshott or Hindhead and are finding it difficult to get to a medical or dental appointment at a surgery, hospital or clinic and are unable to use public transport, please do seek help from CARE. Volunteer drivers, using their own cars, will be able to take you from your home to your destination. They will then also take you back home again. If required, the drivers can also stay with you at the hospital or clinic. CARE suggests that a donation is made to cover the cost of fuel for the journey. The journey is measured from a start point in the centre of Haslemere. When you phone CARE, you will need to let the duty officer know the details of your journey and whether you have any problems such as difficulty with mobility or vision, so that their drivers can be prepared. Unfortunately, CARE may be unable to take people with severe disabilities unless they are accompanied by a carer. Please ask for more details. Care requests at least 3 days notice to find a driver. However, in an emergency, it is occasionally it is possible to find a driver on the same day. Volunteers use their own cars. Our volunteers provide a very personal level of service taking people to their appointments. Volunteers often wait with those they are taking, returning them back to their homes after their appointment.
Help Needed
CARE is always looking for new volunteers. Volunteers can either be drivers, duty officers or both. If you like driving, meeting people and have the time, you could find volunteering for CARE extremely rewarding. Volunteers give their time freely but they can claim the government recommend amount of 45 pence per mile for any journey made. Drivers must be under 81 years of age and will be required to undergo a mandatory DBS check. CARE does arrange driving assessments for volunteers over the age of 81 and if you pass you can continue to drive for Care. Drivers must hold a current driving licence and have a valid car insurance policy. Volunteers must check that this insurance policy covers them for voluntary driving. This is usually classed as social use, but if there is an extra charge to add this cover to your policy, then Care in Haslemere will cover the cost of this. Drivers are fully reimbursed for fuel and depreciation costs at the government recommended amount of 45p per mile. Clients are also asked to make a voluntary donation towards the cost of the trip. CARE will make a suggestion to the client how much this could be when the journey is booked. There is no age limit to volunteer as a duty officer. Nor do duty officers have to be computer literate. CARE operates from an office in the Haslemere Methodist Church on weekday mornings between 10 am and 12 noon. Duty officers take phone requests from clients and find them a driver. The driver needs to know if there are any special requirements, such as disabilities, that the client might have. Duty Officers are also responsible for collecting client's donations from the drivers and for paying out mileage allowances. If you are interested in volunteering for Care in Haslemere, please give the office a call on 01428 652 505 between 10 am and midday from Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can call in at their office at the Methodist Church during those hours and give your details to the duty officer. Or send them a message from the contact page on their website. Care in Haslemere is a Registered Charity, No. 276859. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please contact them directly.
Care in Haslemere
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Care, Transport, Elderly
Charity No.
Contact No.
01428 652 505
Haslemere Methodist Church, Junction Place, Haslemere, UK