Not for profit organisation bringing the joy of musical performance to the community
Imagine That Productions (ITP) is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring the opportunity, inspiration, and joy of musical performance to as wide a community as possible. They offer performance opportunities to amateur singers and specialise in classical music, operetta and music theatre. ITP is committed to promoting great singing and producing shows of the highest quality whilst providing a broad range of educational opportunities to develop performance skills and confidence. All events are open to the public and can range in size from performing in small community halls to full-scale theatre productions. They also encourage the development of backstage skills for those who prefer not to tread the boards. Experience shows the benefits of participation to their performers are wide-ranging - both in musical performance and also providing numerous life benefits.
The group was started in 2016 by Amanda and Philip O'Brien. ITP has 5 Directors and is aided by many hours of voluntary support.
How to help
Imagine That Productions would be delighted to hear from anyone with sewing skills to provide extra support with costumes. Costumes would usually be collected from Haslemere Hall but amendments could be completed in your own time at home.
Imagine That Productions
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