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Rescue centre and sanctuary for abused and abandoned horses


Mane Chance's mission is to rescue and rehabilitate abused, abandoned and old horses and then to integrate them with the local community. All the horses at the sanctuary have suffered abuse, neglect or abandonment. However, once at Mane Chance, they feel loved, safe and cared for. These horses then give themselves generously to the visitors to the sanctuary who need a little support too. Mane Chance really are proving the value of the horse as a healer. Located just outside Guildford, Mane Chance Sanctuary is set in a 67 acre site, 60 acres of which are solely set aside for the grazing of the horses. The remaining space is for barns, stables, volunteer and visitor facilities. The horses that they rescue and care for live in relationship herds on a track system. This is designed to foster movement, foraging and sociability. First and foremost, Mane Chance is a sanctuary for horses, but the team also pride themselves in bringing more wildlife to the area. For example, they have a unique Shetland Project to create a landscape for their Shetland herd that is more typical of the Shetland Isles than the rolling hills of Surrey. They also plant hedgerows along fence lines, build bug hotels and place bat boxes around the site. All this is part of their aim to not just share the land with horses and visitors but to also welcome other creatures as well!

Help Needed

There are a number of opportunities to volunteer at Mane Chance. There are volunteering roles working directly with the horses as well as roles helping to maintain the site (such as fencing, painting, clearing, building, planting and more), assisting with fundraising or hosting visits to the Sanctuary. Whilst under 18s can not volunteer to work independently with the horses, there are plenty of other opportunities for younger volunteers to help out at Mane Chance. For further information about Mane Chance and the work that they do, please visit their website at

Mane Chance



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Duke of Edinburgh Award, Animals
Charity No.
Contact No.
Monkshatch Farm Down Lane, Compton GU3 1DL
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